Senin, 23 Juni 2014

"Selamat Pagi, Malam." After Movie

Honestly, I watched this movie just because I saw Adinia Wirasti on the casts. I didn't even know if Marissa Anita also starred the movie as Adinia Wirasti's partner which makes them a perfect match.

In story wise, it's not one of my favorite Indonesian movies. The movie has three main plots in the same time and place setting. Jakarta at night. Just like another movie with the same genre, "Selamat Pagi, Malam" is just another version of Jakarta Undercover which undressed Jakarta's urban life nowadays. A girl who seeks for her first sexual encounter, a chinese housewife who is obsessed with her husband's mistress, and ex-lovers who reminisce they togetherness. All of them end up in a cheap motel named Lone Star. 

Apart from the story itself, for me, the magnet of the movie itself is on the acting of two gorgeous girls who act as two lovers. Adinia Wirasti and Marissa Anita. As usual, Asti perfoms a legit acting as Gia who has just returned from New York and try reconnecting with her ex girlfriend Naomi (Marissa Anita). They both build a very strong chemistry and make a sweet couple with interesting dialogues. Their smooth interaction makes me forget that the movie almost gets me bored.    

Image from www.ghiboo,com

Even though the story is not that special, but these two lovely girls made it as one of my favorite movies at the end of the show.

Gia : Religion plays such a big role here ya ?
Naomi : That's why there's no place for us, here. 

Minggu, 22 Juni 2014

I Want A Baby !

When I was having my dinner at one of my favorite junk food resto (Yes. I love junk food. It's cheap and sinfully delicious) there was a lovely family sitting near the balcony. They had a very lovely baby, who kept smiling and laughing every time his dad feed him,  the mother wore a head scarf. A happy young family.  I wonder if the dad took the wrong dip and feed his son with chili sauce, would the baby still laugh ?

Not far from my table there was a couple (at least, they look like one) who were also hypnotized by the view of that happy family. 

The guy, while keep staring at the baby, said "Babe, ... I want a baby."

His partner looked a little bit shocked and put down the chicken wings that they're eating.

"Oh, well ... that's ... a progress."

"But not from you ... " He stared at his partner deeply then threw his sight to the baby again.

"Ok. Is it me or the chicken wings suddenly feel too spicy ? You want a baby ? fine. Buy it somewhere, find it in ACE hardware or post an ads on Amazon. Someone might have a second hand baby or sell a DIY baby. Second, you want a baby ? It's obviously not from me. What do you think I am ? Arnold Schwarznegger ? It must be from some random women whom you sow your seed into. Or call Jolie to get you a baby from those poor countries. But it's obviously not from me ! and you don't need to emphasize it by saying 'BUT NOT FROM YOU'. That's ... ANNOYING! "

The guy was still looking at the baby. And yes, the baby was still laughing while his father fed him.